薛之谦花式表白 厨房上演“惊心”大戏
The Dinner Party In our school, there is a cooking class. It is such a fun and it makes us feels like a dinner party. On the class this time, we learned to cook different dishes. We worked in groups and cooked several dishes such as Hot and Sour Shredded Potato, Stir Fried Vegetables, Fried Chicken Wings and some salads etc. When we finished cooking, we shared the food while discussing about the dishes and exchanging our cooking experiences.声明:易商讯尊重创作版权。本文信息搜集、整理自互联网,若有来源标记错误或侵犯您的合法权益,请联系我们。我们将及时纠正并删除相关讯息,非常感谢!