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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2023-04-30 20:48:15

1、Wang Zhiqin, an expert with the China Academy of Telecommunication Research of MIIT, said China started 5G research and development as early as other countries. In 2013, the Chinese government est

  1、Wang Zhiqin, an expert with the China Academy of Telecommunication Research of MIIT, said China started 5G research and development as early as other countries. In 2013, the Chinese government established IMT-2020 (5G) Promotion Group, to boost systematic promotion of 5G.

  2、She said 5G is designed for Internet of Everything (IoE), and 4G offers mobile Internet to people. As the increasing need for low delay and high reliability, 4G faces big challenges.

  3、She took automatic drive as example - to realize automatic drive, vehicles should be connected with each other and have the ability to avoid crashes in high speed, which needs a very low time delay.

  4、China has attached great importance to 5G in the 13th national Five-Year Plan (2016-2020) and has set the goal of 5G commercialization by 2020.


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